Damaged: Jovian’s Revenge Read online

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  “You like that baby?” Miguel asks as he pulls me in his arms for a kiss.

  “Yeah , you know that’s my dream car.”

  “Aight Miguel . She already got four kids.” J.D. says as he laughs.

  “Yeah Miguel. You kiss her and she’s pregnant. Trust me I know from experience.” Jovian laughs too.

  “Awl , okay.? Ya’ll got jokes huh. Tracy!” I scream. Tracy wobbles in the house with a plate in her hand.

  “Sup , Ki. Miguel! Hey bro-in-law.” She says as he hugs her. “I’m glad you back .Somebody got to keep Jaylin and Ki in line. They both been getting on my nerves.”

  “No you didn’t trick. Anyway we going to Busters . You wanna ride?”

  “Hell yeah Ki, “ She says as she wobbles to the kitchen to grab some Tupperware. “I got to fix me a plate first.”


  “Mane, Jo. How the hell you gonna lose the game like that?” I ask mad as hell cause I owe J.D. and Miguel two hunnid dollas a piece.

  “You the one whose head wasn’t in the game. You sparing these niggas.”

  I count out the money and hand it to Miguel.

  “It’s aight Jay. You still the man around here.” J.D. says as he laughs loud.

  Jovian phone rings and of course his face lights up. Gotta be some freak.

  “Aight . Get it ready for me. Daddy coming home in a lil bit.” Jovian says.

  “You finna bounce bruh?” I ask.

  “Yeah. My lil junt ready for me to come through . Walk me out though . Miguel , it’s aight if I say goodbye to my babies.” Jovian asks.

  “Do your thang. I’ll never stop you from seeing your kids mane.” Miguel says.

  “Fo sho. I’m finna bounce .And the next time I want a rematch. J. D.- you got to be on my team.”

  Jovian says as he walks in the patio door. We walk up the stairs laughing and tripping. We stop in the girls’ room to say goodnight.

  “Aye girls. Daddie finna bounce. I love you,” Jovian says. “Say your prayers and I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Bye daddy . I love you too. “ Korea says

  “Later,” Karma says. “Hit me up on my mama cellphone.”

  “What! Lil girl .You wildin! Don’t make me take off my belt.”

  “I’m just playing daddie. I love you too. Thank you for bring my brother home. We kept crying and we thought Liz was going to do something to him.” Karma says.

  “Daddie , you gonna get another girlfriend? And how you know that she won’t take one of us again?” Korea asks with her hands on her hips.

  I hope what these kids saying gets to my brother. He looks like he wants to cry , but will he change- I don’t know.

  “Nah. I just won’t bring you around anyone that I date. My job is to protect you and make sure you are alright. I promise I’ll always do that. Okay?” he says.

  “Yeah, daddy. Pinky promise?” Korea asks as she holds her pinky finger in the air.

  “Yeah baby.” Jovian says as he locks his pinky finger into his.

  “Night Uncle Jay.” They say in unison.

  “I love you girls.” I say.

  “We love you too.”

  We stop in the boys room, but as usual they are fast asleep. We tuck them in and walk out to the truck. Jovian hops and pauses for a second.

  “Sup lil brother? You been smiling all night.” He says as he shuffles through his CD case. This nigga ain’t never gonna change . He always bump slow music on his way to a freak house.

  “Mane, I got my blood test results back,” I say with a smile on my face.” She’s mine. So, now I know how it feels . I’m a father , big bruh.”

  “Yeah , that’s wats up. But Tray gonna kill you fa sho now.” he says as he laughs at my pain.

  “She gonna be aight.”

  “I know she is, but your nuts not going to be.” We shake up and laugh.


  The children in the bed and now it’s the grown folks time. We partying in the back yard and I’m looking at my girl. She just changed into her lil shorts and tank top. R’Kellys’ Etctera is blasting through the surround system.

  “ Um . J.D. I got to go get up with. Damn, she knows I’m looking ,” I say as I watch Ki twist her hips for me . “Aye though, ya’ll spending a night? You know Trina is drunk and you are too.”

  “Yeah, we gonna stay in the guest room or the den. Go handle up.” he says.

  Before he could even finish his sentence , I’m dancing behind my fiancée on the deck. She feels the heat of my body and sways her hips to the beat against my dick. I smell a mixture of weed, Patron, and Victoria Secret all over her body. And my dick ready to explore her insides.

  “Let’s go shawty.”

  She switches through the patio doors and turns her hips with sway like no other. I’m about to get it and before the door closes, we have our hands all over each other.

  “Lock the door Mi.” she says.

  “Strip for me.”

  She walks over to mini fridge and grabs two shots of Tequila Silver and Gold. His and Hers. Mane, my girl is so right. We toast up and take our shots.

  Ki starts a slow striptease as R’Kelly sings about, “getting up on a room” through the speakers. She unbuttons her shorts and slowly pull them down her thighs. Then, she seductively pulls her tank over her head.

  I pick her up, place her body against the wall, and kiss her hard, chocolate nipples. I move my head down her belly a leaving trial of kisses that lead me straight to her sweetness. She picks up the pace as she rides my face. The look on her face tells me she is about to cum. I stop just to see her mad.

  “Mi, why you stop?” she asks.

  “Beg for it .”

  “Please Papi,” she says as she grabs my hair. “Give me what I need.

  I pick up the pace and Ki screams as her juices flow down my tongue. I laugh because I know she is weak and ready to come for daddy.

  I carry her to bed and strip off her clothes. Ki’s gray eyes are sparkling and her hair is wild. God, she is so beautiful. She licks her lips as I stroke my dick. She opens her legs up wide. I struggle to get inside, so she grinds her hips slowly.

  “Mi , I’m about to cum.”

  I smile and kiss her lips . She grabs my hair. We fall into the rhythm of making love. This is me. This is where I want to be. So as I stroke my baby, I ask what’s up.

  “Marry me tomorrow.”

  “Huh?” she asks as she stops grinding.

  “Let’s do it,” I say as I stroke her and look into her eyes.

  “Okay baby. Yes I can’t wait another day either.” She says as she lifts up her hips and throws that pussy on me.

  I met her throws and pound that pussy.

  “Oh Mi! Daddieee! Oh Yes!!That’s my spot!”

  “Damn! Ki! Throw that shit baby! I’m cumin! Ugh! Damn!” I say as I spill my seeds. She throws her hips as my dick explodes.

  “Tomorrow? You ready Ki?”

  “ I wish we could do it today.”

  She goes to the closet , grabs a towel, and puts hot water on it. I watch her as she cleans me up with a smile.

  “I’m getting in the shower. Mi, you need anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  She walks into the bathroom and soon as I hear the water running – I text Nia.

  “She went for it . We getting married tomorrow.” I text.

  “You built for this. Can you real destroy that girl?”

  “Yeah, baby. She was just a pawn to get back at Jovian and you.”

  “Aight. I see ya.” Nia replied.

  I erase the texts. Ki comes out of the bathroom with my black wife beater on. She wraps he body around mine and quickly falls asleep.


  “Hey baby. I got to run to the store right quick.” Jaylin says as we lay in the bed. We just got a quickie in. So, why he is leaving – I don’t know.

  “It’s one thirty in the morning, Jay. Can I come with you baby?”

  “Nah, baby. Get
sum rest . I got to go and check my traps, collect some money, and when I get back we need to talk.”

  “About what?” I say afraid that he found about Teddy Bear.

  “I got the blood test results. Tiny FedEx ’em to me.” he says as he twists his hair. That’s a sign that he is nervous or hiding something.

  “Just tell me Jay.” I say frustrated cause I hope the baby ain’t his.

  He reaches down , picks up his pants, and removes the paper from his back pocket.

  “She’s mine Tray.” He says as he gives me the documents.

  As I read them , I cry because now I know what’s up.

  “Okay, Jay. What’s next? No, fuck dat! Fuck her! Fuck you! And fuck dat baby too! I say as I get out of bed looking for my clothes.

  Jaylin gets up , get dressed, and walks out of the door. My phone rings and I know it’s either Jaylin and Teddy Bear. But it’s Jovian.

  “Yeah, Jovian.”

  You need to meet me. Now.”

  “Fo what?”

  “I just saw Jaylin leave and if you want to know where he is going – you need to come outside now. Or maybe this will help.”

  A picture of me naked on Teddy Bear’s porch comes in my cellphone. I grab my purse, walk out the door, and lock it.

  I walk up to Kaylah’s truck, and climb in the passenger seat.

  “What’s up Jovian?”

  “Help me or I’ll tell Jaylin that I talked to Teddy Bear.”


  “Cause I gotta get revenge.”

  “Fo what? Ki ain’t did shit to you.” I say as I look into darkness in his eyes.

  “She’s sleeping with the enemy. That nigga fucking Ki cause I took his bitch back in the day.”

  “You just got ya’ll baby back. And you gonna put her through sum more bullshit. And you wonder why she left?” I say with tears in my eyes.

  He quickly grabs my hair and twist my braids around his hand.

  “Listen lil bihh, I’m finna show your boo what’s up too. With his treacherous ass and I bet you five dollas Ki bitch ass knows too.”

  He pulls off and heads to the Intown Suites in East Memphis. And sure as shit stanks- Jaylin ass is there.

  “Now, how do you think I knew where he was? He sholl the fuck didn’t tell me?”

  “How do you know?” I ask . I can’t believe Jaylin lied to me.

  “Let me show you.” He asks as he picks up his cellphone and call Jaylin.

  “Sup Jo?” Jaylin says.

  “Where you at lil Bro?” he asks. I’m curious to know what he’s going to say.

  “I’m in the trap in Norff Memphis picking up sum cheese. Everything cool?”

  “Yeah . Just checking up on you. Can I come and hang out . This lil broad stood me up bruh. And Kaylah gone outta town. “ Jovian says.”

  “I’m tied up until early tomorrow morning.”

  “Aight . I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Luv ya Jay.”

  “Luv u too Jo. Jr”

  “See Tray. They both been lying to you.”

  “I see Jovian , but what that got to do with Ki?” I ask..

  “Ki was the one that told me where Jaylin is and that he was still sleeping with other bitches. And when I ask her why she didn’t tell you she said it was none of your business. So you gonna help me or Jaylin gonna find out that ain’t his seed.”

  “What? We don’t know that fo sho.”

  “You do . And better help me or I’m telling.”

  “Aight .What do you need?”

  “What you know about her business?”

  “I just pay the insurance , and I am her personal assistant. She does her own books.”

  “First, I need you to stop paying the insurance. Then, I need to know all of their information. And I need it like yesterday. Next week, I want you to call Children’s Service and report Ki as a bad mother. ”

  “That won’t believe that.”

  “If you plant evidence , they will. And by the way , we both can get back at Jaylin.”

  “Okay. That I will do. Drop me off at Teddy Bear’s crib.”

  We drive in silence . No words were spoken I couldn’t explain my feelings. I’m fucked up about Jay, but Ki didn’t do shit to me.

  Is this secret worth keeping?

  And at what cost?

  Jovian pulls up to Teddy Bear’s crib.

  Teddy walks out to the truck and opens my door.

  “Go in the house , Tray.”

  “Okay . Bye Jovian.” I say as Teddy helps me climb down.

  “Thank you Teddy. I’m going to help you get your girl back. I know that’s my bruh , but fuck his loyalty.”

  I walk into the house and Teddy has candles lit everywhere.

  “Get naked for me Tray.”

  “Okay baby.”



  Since I was five – all I could think about is Miguel. We started being girlfriend and boyfriend at the age of ten. He was my light and I was his star. My family stayed in a prominent neighborhood called Midtown in Memphis. My dad left and we had to move to Mitchell Heights . It was a rough neighborhood . After my baby brother Joel got jumped, Miguel decided he was going to help us move out.

  His dad was a big time dope dealer but his mom vowed that he would not sell drugs. She disowned him as he started at the bottom of his dad’s empire. He was a beast, smart, and a natural- born leader. He gave up sports, scholarships, and college acceptances letters for me.

  But that’s when fate stepped in and led both of us astray.

  I was on my way to the community center to get Joel, and that’s when I met Jovian. He was a cool guy. We start tripping daily because Miguel was spending all of his time hustling in the streets. By the time, he notice I wasn’t around, Jovian and I had become the best of friends. So while he worked the streets for me and my family, I kicked shit all day with Jovian. He never even noticed the change.

  The week before my Majorette Jamboree at Northside High, he gave me the keys and deed to a house he bought in Cordova. Not bad for a sixteen year old, right. We lost our virginity that day in my room at the brand new four bedroom three bathroom house.

  A week later, Miguel and Shay showed up to see me perform . That was the first time he saw Ki. She went to Treadwell with me and Jovian. Miguel went to Central. His eyes followed her from the time she entered the gym until the time the Jamboree was over. I knew then that I lost my man. He watched her performed , but she didn’t even look his way. When it was my teams’ turn, he walked out of the gym to follow her. I messed up our routine causing us to come in third place.

  Of course, this bitch came in first place. I talked to Jovian as Miguel stood in front of the gym trying to talk to Ki. Shay and I stood there watching them dumbfounded.

  Two weeks later, I transferred to Cordova High School and Miguel transferred to Treadwell High School. I know he went to that school to pursue Ki. Why else would he go? I was transferring. He tried out for the basketball and track team too. This was where Jovian shined . Miguel took his position as a point guard. Plus, all the girls that used to jock Jovian started to running after Miguel. We kept our friendship , but I didn’t know Ki and Miguel were friends until Jovian told me.

  So, I asked Miguel for the keys to his Chevy. I pulled up to the gym where Miguel had practice and Ki was there too. He was in her face of course. She’s just looking at him like he is her homeboy, but he is looking at her like she is the last woman on earth. As I walk through the gym , all eyes are on me. I’m no slouch .As a matter of fact, I’m a bad muthafucka.

  I’m 5’5 with flawless caramel skin. My father is Haitian and my mother is mixed with black and Korean. My hair flows pass my shoulders, down my back, and just above my butt. My body ain’t as banging as Ki , but over the years of squats gave me a lil booty.

  Heads turned as I walked up to Miguel, but Jovian stopped me.

  “Wassup, girl. Wat you doin back at the Well?” Jovian asked.

  “Came to see Migue
l. And what’s up with that bitch?” I asked with an attitude.

  “Oh, Ki . She’s every nigga dream . And Miguel willing to give you up for her. We call her, “Unfuckable.” He even bet a nigga five dollas that I couldn’t fuck you.” He said with a lil smirk on his face.

  “What? Why?” I asked embarrassed that Miguel would actually put me out there on the market like that.

  “Cause he wants her and you’re in the way. She’s a firecracker . She’s independent and he’s tired of taking care of your ass. She works, braid hair, make clothes, babysit, tutor, and that’s just her side money. I mean what can you offer besides some ass and some bills. That ain’t a good look Ma. See watch how I’m finna walk up to him and seal the deal letting him know that I accept his challenge.”

  Jovian walks off and says a few words to Ki and Miguel. He nods his head towards me. Miguel looks at me and they shake hands. Jovian walks back over to me.

  “ See I told you so.”

  Miguel just continued his conversation with Ki. Jovian just talked about all the freaky things he would do to me.

  After practice, Miguel dropped me off at home . he didn’t kiss or hug me. I wanted to have sex just to get her off his mind, but he quickly shot that down. Ki invaded his heart and mind. I waited all night for him to call , but he didn’t. Jovian called and we talked all night. I skipped school with him the next day. We got real freaky. He ate my pussy from the back. I sucked him up too. He taped me, but left out the part where he gave me head too. He shared the video and it got back to Miguel. He almost punched me in my face when he saw it. When I confronted Jovian, he just laughed and said, “ my bad.”

  Miguel dropped out of school and went to an adult high school. Jovian ended up with Ki and Miguel never spoke to me again.


  I didn’t hear from Jovian until Miguel proposed to Ki at the grand opening of the clothing store he bought her.

  That wedding won’t happen. Not if I got anything to do with it. What they don’t know is that I’ve been following everyone for the last three months. I’m here to get mines and now that Miguel knows what’s up- I’m good. But first I got to get Ki out of the way.

  Since both of these nigga love her so much- they finna remove this bitch out of my way for good. My phone buzzes letting me know that Miguel texted.