Damaged: Jovian’s Revenge Read online

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  “You wanna take a bath lil man?” I ask.

  “Yeah, but only if daddie stays in the bathroom with me.”

  “Of course son. Your momma going to the store and I’m gonna stay here with ya’ll until she gets back.”

  “Thanks Jovian . I got to go jump in the shower. Don’t let them out of your sight.”

  “Aight Ki.”

  I walk into my bedroom , close the door, and lock it. The vent from the kids room reveals all of their crazy conversations. I listen as Jovian wrestles with his boys, picks out their clothes so they can get in the tub. The Jackson 5 Greatest hits CD plays as he dances with the girls.

  I grab my gray and blue Memphis Tigers sweats and my blue and gray Nike running shoes. Soon as I hit the shower, my body relaxes and I feel so clean. I wash away all the hurt, anger, pain, guilt, and frustration I felt since my baby been gone. As the tears flow, I pray to God that any mother enduring this pain will somehow find peace.

  I step out of the shower, dry myself off, and rub my body with tropical–scent Shea Butter. My floor length mirror shows a reflection of a woman that is stressed. In one week I dropped ten pounds, but all that’s going to change. The first thing I’m thinking about is food. It’s about to go down.

  I look in the mirror one more time before I head out to the store. The glow in my gray eyes is back. My skin doesn’t look pale anymore. I’m back. I walk into the bathroom and Jovian is sitting on the toilet watching Khalil play in the tub.

  “Khalil, I’ll be right back,” I say as I kiss him on his forehead.

  “Okay, momma. Can I get some kiwi’s ?” he asks as he dumps his Shawn Michael wrestling figure in the water.

  “May I and yes you can.”

  I walk out of the bathroom down the stairs to the living room. Tracy is the corner spaced out and Jaylin is in the chair asleep. I grab my purse and purse.

  “Come chick . Let’s G-O”

  “Aight Ki . I need some air anyway, “ Tracy says as she follows me out the door.

  Before we leave out the driveway , I text J.D.

  “He’s home . Did you find my husband?”


  I don’t know how it happened , but I woke in a car on Lamar and South Parkway in South Memphis in a brown Chevy Impala. To my surprise, no one touched me. This means I haven’t been here that long. It is South Memphis and very ruthless. I grab the cellphone and try to call Ki but her phone going straight to voicemail. “The fuck she thinking.”

  Anyway, J.D is my next text.

  “Who dis?” J.D asks.

  “Your fucking brother!”

  “Come get me nigga. Where’s Ki?” I ask. “Shit , her fon going straight to voicemail.”

  “Lil bro, where you at?” he ask with excitement in his tone.

  “I’m on Lamar and South Parkway. You’ll never guess who the fuck helped Baby Joe kidnap me. Get here AsAp. This fucking outfit got me stanky and shit. Plus, I got find out what’s up with my wife and kids.”

  “Aye bruh. It’s been too much shit but I talk to you when I get there.” J.D. says as he hangs up the phone a little too quick for me.

  One thang about me is I can smell bullshit a mile away. I hope that fucked up story Nia told me wasn’t true. If it is some shit finna go down. Ten minutes later, J.D pulls up without Ki. So, you know I’m pissed .What the fuck is so important that she can’t be there for me? Damn, what’s up with that.

  He walks out the car slowly. I can’t quite place the look, but I know it ain’t good. J.D. walks up to me and hugs me tight.

  “Miguel, I’m glad you safe bro.”

  “Shit me too. Where’s Ki and my kids?” I ask.

  “Mane Khalil got kidnapped by that crazy Liz bitch. “ he says as he waves his hands in the air.

  “What! Let’s go! Why you ain’t helping her?”

  “She told me to find you! I had a couple of my contacts looking too! You know me bruh! I’m on it!”

  “Leggo !” I said I jump in the driver seat on his car.

  We ride in silence as I watch my brother torture himself about me.

  “I’m okay J.D. Stop worrying. I’mma handle everything. “ I say as I swerve doing 90 mph in traffic like a mad man trying to get home.

  His phone beeps letting him know he has a text.

  “Bro, slow down. It’s Ki. They got Khalil .He’s home. Now damn. I got a blunt. Let’s smoke and get you home so you can get sum pussy. You miss your girl don’t ya?” J.D. says.

  “Whew! Yes! I was gonna go beserk on these streets. Let me go to spot. Don’t tell her I’m with you. I’m wanna surprise her ass. Go grab Trina.”

  “Drop me off, and let’s kick it.”

  We get to the crib and everything is just like I like it. Clean and quiet .Ki left a note on the bed with lipstick. Mane, I miss her .I jump in the shower ready for whatever. I grab my red and black Jordan’s, my black Nike sweat suit , and ice white tee. I look good. I gotta be on point for my wife. J.D. texts me and let me know he’s on his way to my crib . So, I roll up a blunt and smoke up. These suckers don’t know I finna make them bleed.


  I’m kicking back . Everybody showing up to Ki’s crib for the barbeque. I’m glad we got my nephew back. I was so tired I feel asleep on the couch. I woke up Tray was bringing me some clothes and a plate. I hadn’t slept since we left Kmart parking lot when we found out Liz kidnapped Khalil. I stayed gone. Once the crime scene cleaned up Mac Greg’s body , I parked in front of Liz’s house. I was waiting on that bitch. But hey God’s knows what’s best. I haven’t seen Tiny or my baby in a week. Now that he’s home, I got a lot of sit to do today. This is her last week in that small ass hotel. I bought a three bedroom, two bath house in East Memphis from J.D. two weeks ago. She got her Section 8 voucher so I’m going to rent it out to her. That way Tray won’t be fucked up about it. If I give it to her, she will cut my ass. Baby or not.

  My phone rings breaking me out of my daydream. It’s Mama Jo as always.

  “I’m lost Jaylin. Come meet us at the gas station. You know I don’t know anything about Central Gardens,” Mama Jo says.

  “Here I come,” I walk to Tracy and put my hands around her waist. “I love you. I’m finna go meet Mama Jo and my auntie okay.”

  “Alright . Hurry back. We gotta use Ki’s guest room.”

  “Shit , I’ll be right back . Fo sho,” I say as I grab my keys off the kitchen counter. As usual, my mom is pissed when I pull up.

  “Did you give me the right directions Jay?” she asks as she pulls up to my Lincoln.

  “Yes ma’am . I did. Why are you really mad mama? I ask as I put the car in park. “Hey Auntie. Hey Jenise.”

  “I’m scared Ki gonna blame me for this. I mean he was with me,” she says with tears slowly falling down his cheeks.

  I’m a grown man, but I always melt when my mama breaks down.

  “Nah , ma. She ain’t gonna blame you. She just ain’t going to let them out of her sight for a while,” I laugh as I get back in my car. She smiles and laughs too

  “Oh you got a FedEx package Jay.”

  I park the car again, open the door, and walk to the car.

  “FedEx. What’s this?” I ask as I rip the top open. “Awl, shit! Damn!”

  “You want me to get out of this car Jaylin Terrell Winters! Curse again!”

  “Nah, mama. Jayla she’s mine .99.999 percent. See!” I say as I pass her the blood test results.

  “Okay son. Congratulations. But it’s gonna kill Tracy.”

  “Damn . I know. Let’s go . Don’t say nothing. You either Auntie. I’m going to tell her when I get home later.”

  I jump in my whip and ball off with my mama, Auntie, and little sister following me. Life is good. I got me a little girl that’s mine. My first born. My wife is something serious . She getting thick and she finna have my baby too. My phone beeps letting me know I got a text message. Damn, it’s J.D. I wonder if he found Miguel. I stop at the red light, and check the messa

  “Mi , on his way to the house.”

  “That’s what’s up.”

  I forgot that Jovian there too. Mane, I hope these niggas act like they got some common sense.



  Ki is at the grill hooking the meat up and I’m dancing to Maze featuring Frankie Beverly with Mama Jo , Jo. Sr. Auntie, Jaylin, and the kids. Ki’s mama Denise is dancing too. For once in a long time, I feel good. The only thing missing is Miguel. The doorbell rings and Ki asks me to get it. I walk through the double doors from the patio to the living room and look out the peephole. What the fuck? I step out of the door onto the porch and quickly close the door behind me. He is definitely high.

  “Teddy Bear, how did you know where I was?” I ask.

  “You got your locator on your phone,” he says as he touches his nose.

  “Um Teddy Bear. What’s up? Ki’s son just got home .You know he got kidnapped right? So , Jaylin is here.”

  “Okay. I’m here now too. Let me in.”

  “Nah . I will come over when I leave here.”

  “You better and bring some night clothes cause you spending the night with me. Matter-of-fact you need to move in. I’m going to give you two weeks to break up with him. Or I’ll do it for you.” he says as he walks pass J.D. and Ki’s friend Trina.

  “Hey Tray,” J.D. says as he hugs me .

  “Hey J.D. Wat’s up Trina? That bob looks good on you girl,” I say as we hug it up.

  She is so down to earth and cool. She notices the spooked look on my face, and I guess J.D picks up on it too.

  “I’m going to the grill Ki sholl knows how to cook. Trina make yourself at home ,” he says as he walks in the door. “Tray it will be aight baby girl. I promise.”

  “Thanks brother –in-law. Save me sum shrimp though.”

  “Tray , wats wrong?” Trina asks.

  “I slept with the devil. He keeps coming by my house, my parents’ house, and now Ki’s house . I don’t know what to do .If I tell Jaylin – he will kill his ass. And I can’t lose him.”

  As the tears roll down my face, Trina embraces me and wipes them away.

  “Baby girl , we all make crazy decisions that we wish we could take back Tracy. Just pray and make the best decision for you.”

  “Thank you , Trina. Please don’t tell Ki . She will flip put and fight,” I laugh for the first time since Teddy Bear ruined my day.

  “Girl , no problem .Let’s go and get some of this food. I’m hungry and it smells so good .Did she grill some shrimp?”

  We laugh and walk in the house together . Jaylin sitting in the corner looking at a letter in his hand. Whatever it is- it really has him smiling.

  Chapter 3


  I know this is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but I can’t help but to feel fucked up. I’m lying on the sectional in Ki’s den with Kylan on my chest. He finally fell asleep. I never thought that my baby momma would come this far. She did all of this shit without me. I look around and smile. Nice crib, but she won’t enjoy it for long. If I can’t be with my family ain’t no other nigga finna sit up and enjoy the benefits. She got me totally fucked up. She can party today, but come next week –it will be war. Soon as I get up from the sectional to take Kylan to his room, Ki’s momma Denise walks through the glass French doors.

  “Hey Jovian.”

  “Denise . My favorite mother-in-law.”

  “Don’t start today .It was your selfish ass that made this hood rat kidnap my grandson .”

  “Awl. Are you a little mad or big mad Denise?”

  “Grow up Jovian! I can’t stand you! My child could have did much better, but hey we all make bad choices.”

  “You must’ve forgot. It was you that led me to your daughter.”

  “You still on that Jovian .That was decades ago. I made a mistake and you were the one that lied about your age.’”

  “But if it was so bad , why didn’t you tell Ki?” I ask I look at her with an evil grin plastered across my face.

  “Because the more I told her to stay away from you- the more she fell in love. And what was I going to say, Ki I slept with Jovian one time, “ she says as the tears starts to form in her gray eyes.

  “You a trip .For me yeah it was payback thing. Then, Ki turned out to be everything I wanted in a woman. And then some. So thank yourself.”

  “Jovian leave my daughter alone. She’s doing good. She graduates in May. She’s buying this house, got her own money , a good man, and my grandkids making straight A’s.”

  “Listen here . I’m finna get my seeds. Fuck her! If I can’t have her – neither can that light- skinned nigga. Fo sho he ain’t finna raise my seeds. Now, you gonna help me or I’m going to tell everybody how you tool me home from the club and gave up that big pussy of yours. And I won’t leave out any details.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” she says.

  “Try me . Play pussy and get fucked. Oh and by the way . I took plenty of pictures while you were asleep.”

  She holds her hand up to her chest with a hint of hurt and sadness in her eyes. I should care but fuck that got to do what’s necessary for me.

  “Okay, Jovian .What do you want me to do?” she says as she wipes het tears away.

  “Make a call to Children’s Service reporting Ki as an unfit mother.”

  “They won’t believe it. She’s a good mother.”

  “I got this.”

  I walk into Kylan’s room, and put him in his toddler bed. For a moment , I feel fucked up about what I’m getting ready to do. But when I walk out of the room and see Ki and Miguel pictures on the wall- the only thing I want is revenge.


  I’m on my fourth plate already. It feels so good to eat. J.D. Walks up to me with a weird expression on his face.

  “Sup sis,” he says as he hugs me.

  “Where’s Mi? He’s been gone almost two weeks.”

  “He told me to give you these keys. I left it out front for you.”

  “J.D. I ain’t got time for riddles.”

  “Ki , just go see what he got you.”

  Trina walks up and we do our lil hand shake from junior high. Then , we start laughing . My momma walks over to the grill and of course grabs the spatula.

  “Hey Ms. Denise. How you doing? You look so good.”

  “Hey Trina. Girl, where have you been? Where’s your mother? You look so pretty. Ki, why didn’t you tell me you and Trina hooked back up?” my mama says as she flips the burgers over on the grill.

  “I thought I did.”

  “Well , I’m going to need you to go pick up the girls from your daddy house.”

  “Mama, you know daddie don’t like me, and I can’t go over his house. Tell him to drop them off over here.”

  “When are you gonna let go of that?”

  “Talk to your baby daddy about that. Anyway, I’m going out front to see just exactly what J.D talking about.”

  I walk through the living room to the front door and a pearl white BMW is parked in the front of the house. I look at the keys in my hand and run straight to the car. It’s tinted so I cannot see in.

  I put the key in the drivers’ side , turn it and open the door. This nigga right here.

  “Mi, baby!” I jump into his lap.

  “Baby , I’m good. I miss you, “ he says.

  I start kissing him all over his face. I kiss his eyes, his nose, his lips, his ears, and his neck. Then, I start to cry. Every time he wipes away a tear four more fall down my cheeks.

  “Baby, why Jovian’s truck here?” he asks .

  “He just brought Khalil home.”

  “Okay , get up . I gotta go see my kids.” Mi says.

  When he gets out of the car , he picks me up and carry me through the door. Trina and J.D. sitting on the couch smiling.

  “You knew when you sent me out there.” I said as I walk up to J.D. and playful punch him in the arm. Trina punches him too.

  “So I’m
getting bullied by sum midgets,” J.D. says as he tries to block our hits.

  Jovian walks down the stairs with a look of disappointment in his eyes. Miguel grabs my waist and pulls me to him.

  “Jo , did baby Kylan finally go to sleep?” I ask as I lock my hands in Miguels.

  “Yeah he did. Is it oaky if I grab sumthin to eat?” he asks as he stands in the living room with his eyes roaming all over me. “ A nigga a lil bit hungry.”

  “Yeah , fo sho Jovian, “ Miguel says. “I’m sure Ki cooked sum grill shrimp.”

  We all laugh. The kids run in the house , but stop soon as they see Miguel.

  “Miguel!” they all scream in unison, but the look of hurt is written all over Jovian’s face.

  “Where you been?” Karma says with an attitude.

  “Ms Liz slapped me hard.” Khalil says as he pounds his fist into my hands.

  “My new Barbie truck still at the store . You supposed to take me to get it,” Korea says with her hands on her hips.

  “I want to beat you in WWF on the Playstation ,Uncle Miguel,” Darrin says.

  “Okay. Karma, I was out of town on business. Korea , we can go to Toys R Us tomorrow and get your Barbie doll truck. Khalil , we gonna find Liz and you gonna slap her two times. Darrin, I bet you four wrestling men that I can beat you any day,” he says as he gives Darrin and Khalil a high five.

  “Uncle Jovian gonna play too,” Darrin asks.

  “Yeah, I’ll play. The last basketball game I played against Miguel- he lost.” Jovian laughs as he picks up Khalil.

  “Mane, dat was in high school. We can hit the court now. It’s a goal outside. Put your money where your mouth is.” Miguel says smiling.

  “Where the money at?” Jaylin asks as he walks in the living room smiling. “Damn Mi, what’s up my nigga?”

  “This game. Let’s go shoot some hoops. Your big brother thinks he can beat me again.”

  “You scurred Miguel .Let’s do this . I got some sweats in my car. Trina go get my gear.” J.D says as he hands Trina his car keys.

  “Well , while ya’ll doing that I’m going to Buster’s to get sum liquor cause I know this is going to turn into a grown folks’ party.” I say as I pick up the keys to my new baby.